Make us a nice ...
May 7, 2014Do not take this material as another article of the type "how to earn a million in three days". This is an attempt in popular form to lay out the main reasons for success and popularity of the sites. You can make sure of the effectiveness of the proposed methods. At a certain skill or the presence of good optimization programs is absolutely not difficult.
What do you do when you need to find something on the Internet? Of course, you can not know and remember all the addresses you need. And nobody needs it. You, like 85% of Internet users in the world go to one of the popular search engines, whether Yandex or Google, and looking there. Thus, if you are interested in information about a fur-hunting beast in Siberia, the 18th century, or the trend in reducing the line of a trouser belt in Britney Spira, you enter in the search bar the words that you think is most characterized by the search item, and will choose among the search results.
In exactly the same way and the person will come, searching for the product that you offer on your website. How to make you found faster? How to ensure that your site number one is in search results? It is known that the first two or three positions get the lion's share of listings, the rest are interrupted by random cards. If your business depends on the number of visitors, you probably are absolutely not on hand to interrupt random earnings. We will try to help you understand the complex web optimization issue so that you can independently pass all 10 conditional steps and to your own eyes to see the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Keywords – The key to success in the site rankings. Sorry for the involuntary pun, but that's it. Most search engines first deed look at them when they appear on your site. Therefore, to their choice should be treated with maximum responsibility. Where to start? We warn you – do not rely only on your own instincts! Our first board, although it assumes only your participation, limited to it is still not necessary.
Brainstorming. Take a pen and paper, sit more comfortably (do not fall asleep!) and write down all the words that come to your mind. At this stage, in any case, do not limit yourself, write down any associations that come to mind when you think about your product. Put yourself in your potential visitor's place – how you would have searched your products, whether you're in its place.
Ask others. Ask family, friends, and colleagues to do the same. Probably, they will appear words that you missed or negladily.
Analyze the log file. Open the log file of your site and see what words you found most often.
Peek Online. Look at other thriving sites that words and phrases use by other webmasters. Perhaps they will prompt something new. Just do not use the method Ctrl + C – Ctrl + V, because you can never be sure whether the keywords have brought something or this site to success. Use this only for experimental purposes
Be more regulating. Always try to take into account the type of public, which is designed your site. If you conduct business in a separate region, make sure to consider it in your keywords – many people are specifying their search across the region.
Use the thesaurus. The synonym dictionary is a great way to find additional keywords to those that you already have.
Take any program, say Page Promoter of package Net Promoter and use the search utility of relevant words, ie words that occur most often in combination with a given word
Welcome! You managed to compile a pretty significant list of potential keywords. But do not rush to use them in such a raw form! The main work on keywords is yet to come. Now we need to form key phrases. Why? Statistics show that most people type 2-3 words when searching. Do not set a goal to win the first place with the help of a generalized word – most likely you will not succeed. So, if you sell, say, computers, you have virtually no chance of getting to the first search positions by the word "computer", because on the same Yandex you will receive in response more than 11000000 (!) pages. But if you specify a search by asking "cheap computers in Ryazan", then as a result you will get only 2 pages. Feeling the difference?
The more specific phrase you use, the more likely you are to find someone you need. What's next? And then we will throw away what was collected with such labor. Don't worry, your labors haven't been wasted. We just have to get rid of words that no one will ever look for. Reject all the higher and highest levels of adjective comparisons – the web is replete with words such as, "best", "cheapest", "fastest", as well as strong adjectives like "amazing", "fantastic", etc. Remove communication words such as "and", "or", "thus" because they are automatically excluded from search results. Do not duplicate words written in uppercase and lowercase – case does not matter to search engines.
META tags
These are the elements of the markup Web pages, the main purpose of which is to explain search work, what to look for on this page. It would seem that this is what we need! Just explain the unteachable lip or rambler that we have, and everything will be okay, they themselves lead the visitors to us by the hand. But not so simple. Of course, the META tags are very important, but, approaching them, it is necessary to consider many other seemingly minor factors. There are many kinds of meta tags, but the most important ones are three.
META tag keyword KEYWORDS contains our with such a hard-selected keyword and phrase. Meta tag DESCRIPTION description, as you probably guessed, gives a brief description of what the page contains. The TITLE tag on your page's title points to the title. Statistics show that only 20% of the total number of pages contain keywords and description tags. Thus, if your competitors do not have them, and you have it, it gives you a huge advantage.
The headline tag.
Just all tagged tag. Google may not take into account all the other tags, little attention will apply to keywords, but the title it read necessarily. Google also compares the words in the title to the content of the page, and counts the number of repetitions of the words from the title in the page text, that is, determine the density of the keywords. If this amount will be within 3-5.5 percent, you have the chance that it'll appreciate your website very high and fit it in a decent place in the search results. In addition, the content of this tag is the first thing visitors will see when loading the page, so thrice measure, before.... Well, in general, you've realized.
Tag description.
The second most important tag. Typically consists of one short paragraph and contains the most accurate description, the very essence of the page. Some search sites will show up to 150 characters from this tag when you output the results.
Keyword tag.
A very important tag that, nevertheless, is ignored by the Huglom and some others. Standard format for writing keywords – each single word or phase are separated a comma. Words within a single phrase must be separated by spaces.
Keep in mind: keywords should only refer to the current page, in any case not to the entire site. Organize your pages in a way that each page is dedicated to one product or topic. Avoid too frequent repetition of a single word, as some search engines can perceive it as spam. As I have mentioned, pay attention to the repeatability of keywords in the text of the page.
So why do some sites climb on top search results, and some not? Consider some key points in optimizing your websites.
Here everything is simple and logical: the more content, the better. Explain: Search engines, like people, looking for pages with a sufficient amount of useful information. So, in order to achieve a good place in the search results, just take each page as high quality content. "Blind" search engines. They will not notice the beautiful design of your site will not appreciate your efforts improve functionality and usability. But the text content plays a very important role for them.
Also, try to update the site as often as possible – both cars and people like it. In addition, with frequent updates, some machines, such as Google, can perceive your site by news site. This will cause your search work to be sent more often, sometimes even several times a day.
Word density.
If the text of the page consists of 100 words, and the keyword is found in the text only once, then the density of the word respectively is 1%. The optimum density should not go beyond 3-5.5 percent. How to explain it? Take any specialized text on any topic and read it aloud. You will hear that one or more words (unless, of course, do not consider standard preforms, conjunctees or pronoun), are more common because it is the subject of this text. In normal language, the density of the word, which expresses the subject, is the aforementioned 3-5.5 percent. This is taken into account by search engines when indexing and evaluating the importance, or "relevance" of pages.
To check the density of keywords in your page can be a very simple way: again, read the text aloud. If that or word is to be encountered abnormally often, you will certainly feel it. But it is best to approach this issue more scientifically, armed with a special program. The same Page Promoter, besides a number of other indispensable when optimizing the tools, contains a very convenient key word density analyzer.
Keyword prominence.
Some spammers create pages that include meta tags one, many times a duplicate word, say "sex, sex, sex, sex, sex", Sex, sex. This can give a short-term increase in the rankings, and can lead to the fact that you will be removed from the database search engine. To achieve a similar effect without the risk of being remote to the bench penalties can be made more noticeable keywords. This does not mean that they should be bold and acidic color, as do some grief-webmasters, pages of which are not recommended to watch people with heart-hearted and weak stomach. So, where and how can I post keywords?
META tags.
As we said, the HEAD header tag is the most prominent element in the document. Therefore, he has to "cram" at least one key for this page word.
Headings and subheadings H1 – H6. They, in principle, should give the visitor an idea of what, in fact, he will now read. Therefore, the search robot read them in the first place.
Text of hyperlinks.
It would be natural to suggest that all links that are on the page lead to other documents thematically related to the topic of your page. That's why much attention should be paid to the apparently hyperlinked text, i.e. the part of the hyperlink that the visitor sees on the page.
Alternative text.
The ALT attribute must necessarily be present for each image for several reasons. Firstly, in many Western countries the laws governing the functionality of the Web sites in favor of people with vision problems were introduced. Alternative text facilitates such people to navigate through programs that pronounce text aloud. Secondly, the search engine will add a number of points for each keyword in the alternative text.
Despite the fact that I am critically responded to the selection of color and font, some sense in the use of such methods is still there. Place the keywords at the beginning of the pages and paragraphs. Highlight them in italics or bolded. Be careful with color, because the presence of the page text, the color of the same background-one of the common ways of web fraud, and some search engines can guess it.
We can recommend two software products for optimizing your pages:
Web Position Gold and Net Promoter. The first one is a fairly powerful software to optimize the sites and register them on the search engines. Second – The only Russian market completely Russified package of programs, with the help of which you can conduct the promotion process of the site "from A To Ya" – from buying a domain to analyzing log files and checking broken links.
Number of occurrences.
Immediately warn-do not try to sit on your own and to the graying of the index finger Nashelkivat yourself a number of occurrences. If you return to the search site and go over and over again for the same link, the search engine will think that you have not found anything for themselves, and the effect is directly opposite to the expected: you are "lowered into the rank". In addition, you are all the same sooner or later zassekut on your IP address, and your site can be seriously punished for cheating.
Popularity of the site.
The more external links, leading to your site, the better. This is quite logical: after all, if you are quoted, it means that glory came to you. The question is who quotes you. The more popular site that links to you, the higher your site will be appreciated. It is also desirable that sites that contain links to your site are concentrated on the same subject as yours. There are many schemes of exchanging links, some of which are really effective, but this is in the following sections. The easiest way to ensure that you are referred to is to make a good, information-rich site.
STEP FOUR – We use secret weapons – doorways (entrance pages).
In order for the search engine to ignored your keywords or phrases, you can use special Web-pages – doorways. Of course, there arises a number of questions ethical the plan – as-not spam and contrary to the code of optimistic ethics... But it is not always possible to achieve high results "correct" methods. Then it is necessary to resort to such artificial techniques.
Imagine that you are the main chef of the prestigious restaurant. As a true professional, you, of course, want to maximally diversify the menu of the institution, because each client has its own tastes, which, like the color, do not have friends. Search engines also sometimes resemble demanding visitors.
For example: If one search engine has brought your Web page to the top of the rankings, then the other may even ignore your existence. In order for such a search engine to be noticed we will resort to the help of incoming pages. If search work like information on your dori, you can consider an agreement with a tasting-search robot – an accomplished affair. Your Web-page will get a good chance to be among ranking leaders.
Preserved doorways.
In prehistoric times of the page-doorways did not contain any specific information. They consisted only of several key words, drawings and references to the main Web-site. Now, with the help of such programs as Web Position Gold (http://www.webposition.com) or Page Promoter (http://net-promoter.com/ru/pagepromoter), you can create a whole system doorway pages, which are practically not sown by robots and get a high rating.
Will the creation of similar pages be one of the prerequisites for success in the search engine optimization strategy?
In case you are using doorways correctly, search engines will come to you friendly. Responsible creation and use of doorways will help increase the accuracy and accuracy of indexing sites search engines, which, in turn, multiply the chances of users to find the information they need.
If you want to avoid the problems associated with the wrong creation doorway pages that do not include in their content is nothing improbable. The main thing is to calculate the right amount of keywords and put them in the desired places. In this case, you will be guaranteed a high rating place. The content of your doorways must always coincide with the content of the entire site, and provide users with information, drawings and links on a par with the other pages of your site.
Unknown text. One of the most popular methods of spammìrovanìâ is to use the same (or very similar) color for the fonts and the background of the page itself. Thus search engines added work, and the user who opens this site will not get anything but one-color pages. Search engines easily sow such techniques, the only way of cheating, which I can offer (but do not advise) is to use a monochrome picture as the background.
The meteorite showers of the key words Ipolizuyutsya both in the invisible text, and at the bottom of the page ("Tails"), where they can be distinguished by a small font; Or in the meta-tags (or in other hidden tags). This technique is very popular among spammers.
Cheating keywords. Never use common keywords whose content does not match the content of your site. Perhaps you will be able to deceive a few people in this way, in search of the information they need came to your fishing rod, but it is safe to say that long they will not stay on your site, and probably will not return anymore. Such machinations only spoil the mood of the users.
Twin pages (or very similar pages). Phased schedule of another kind of "criminal" Spammìrovanìâ: First "offender" clones the page (or doorway), gives copies of different names, and, attaching all the pages on the Internet, ZAMSORIVAET web mirror copies. All search engines and directories uniquely identify a similar phenomenon as spam.
Code substitution. If you managed to optimize your page sufficiently, and it got into the division of high-ranking sites, don't do the following: Don't place another page on it. In any case it does not help long to hold high places in the rankings, and the robot, returning after a while, the substitution will detect.
REDIRECT pages. Often, when creating a spam-filled Web-pages, programmers pursue a single goal – to attract the attention of search engines. If someone opens a similar page, tags such as Meta refresh, CGI, Java, JavaScript offer it to redirect their query to a really existing page. But we wouldn't advise you to resort to similar tricks if you are certainly not pro in this case.
Misuse of registration. Each search engine has "strength limits" that are related to the number of submitted for registration pages, and to the regularity of their appearance. Do not attribute the same page in the Address Book of the same search engine more often than once a month. Do not make doorways to the registration in the directory. Carefully read the registration rules on each search engine.
Spammìrovanìe and Punishment.
Not all search engines will be equally harsh for you for the use of spam. If the focus was with one of them, the other would not allow such indulgence. Some machines will refuse to index the pages, exposed in the use of spam, others proydedersiruyut them, but only with lower rating points. The worst option for you may be even a complete site exclusion from the rankings.
With a strong desire, you can find sites with high ratings, which have received such honorable places without the help of the aforementioned spam. As a rule, these pages have already been taken away – to them for several years. If someone would have tried to use them today, they would have gotten a waiver, or a low rating. Even if you manage to long to keep secret using spammìrovanìâ technologies, these kinds of scams will soon go into oblivion.
Search engines are trying to best fulfill their assigned role – to provide users with access to the products they need, but spamming, occupying space, preventing machines, as a result and us with you. It is safe to say that further search engines will be in the strictest way punish spammers.
STEP SIX – Domain registration in the Iternet and optimization for the search engine.
If your goal is to create a website that is highly quoted on search engines, you should not forget about the very important aspect – registering your domain.
Even if you manage to maximize your site, the success of the enterprise can be forgotten if you are wrong registered your domain on the Internet.
Let's look at all the "for" and "against" domain registrations in terms of maximizing your site's optimization.
Optimal ways to register domains.
Some Web-masters use the principle of "you – me, Me – you", that is, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, others – subdomains (which are free to offer some Web-hosting services), the third are used to redirect.
The following tips will help you to sign up cheap, but remember – stingy pays twice, and if your goal is quality, it is better to trust other methods.